I sit down and load up the computer. I have a thought, an idea, and concept for what I want to write. I log into my account and click on the “Write” button. I see the page load up to reveal a blank canvas. My mind empties. I lose all thoughts, ideas, and concepts that I had just moments earlier. I sit with the screen open for a while until I lose patience with the process and resign that today is not the day I can put words to paper.

I want to share my thoughts on fatphobia and the daily experience of a fat woman who is also part of a fat couple. I want to share my experiences with my new therapist and the wonderful breakthroughs I’ve experienced in feeling known by someone I’ve only spoken with 10 times. I want to share my experience feeling a real desire to have children for the first time in my life. I want to process thoughts on marriage and the dark moments that no one really knows about. I want to talk about the shows I’m watching and the music I’m loving.

Yet here I am. Sitting at my computer. Only able to write sentences or headings of the thoughts I have swirling in my brain.

Someday I’ll be able to post coherent thoughts and actual posts, but until then…

Published by Erika Hopkins

I'm 37 years old and currently in search of the answers life's great questions. I write about budgeting, widowhood, losing my partner, faith, TV shows, and overall share my experiences in the joys, sorrows, and the mundane in between. Contrary to my username, I don't write everyday, but I love sharing my thoughts with whoever is interested in reading them!

Penny for your thoughts...