About Me

Hi there & welcome! I’m Erika and you’ve found my own special place on the internet. I write about my journey experiencing joy, overcoming sorrow, and discovering myself and the world around me.

I’m in the middle of figuring out what I want to pursue in life. I’m married to a wonderful man after being single for the first 28 years of my life. I’m a strong believer in supporting single women and men regardless of my own relationship status. As someone who spent many years single, I want to encourage those who are single to live life to the fullest and know they don’t need to be dating to be happy.

I am also a lover of television and will gladly spend an entire afternoon talking about a television character or TV show! If I’m into it, most likely there will be a post where I’ll share all of thoughts, so check out any previous blog posts!

I’ve always enjoyed writing personal/autobiographical short essays and have used various forms of this blog to communicate with friends, family, and any who are interested in my writing since I was in college. I write from a very personal place and want to share them with each of you.

I’m so glad you’re here. I truly want this to be a conversation between us, so please feel free to comment so we can discuss your thoughts too!

Here are some pictures of what brings me joy (and you get to see my silly mug too!)

Now that that’s out of way…let’s grab a drink and get this party started 🙂