Quarantine With Me

The week before Christmas I was told to quarantine and work from home because of a close contact with a co-worker who tested positive for Covid-19. It feels bizarre to say it because I’ve discussed this possibility with co-workers for so long that it almost felt impossible after so much time has passed and no positive cases at work. It also sadly makes complete sense with the numbers of cases and infection in LA county so high, it feels like “duh” why did I think I’d be any different?

Thoughts on the virus and our greater society aside, I have had an extra amount of time at home and I wanted to share a few of the things that have been a pleasant surprise in this time of darkness and unknowns.

Star Wars: I’m not entirely sure how he’s done it, but my husband has made me a certified Star Wars fan. I have memories of watching the original trilogy with my dad on weekends at his place growing up and I’ve seen all three of the new movies but in all honesty, I never quite understood the plot. I hated (and still kind of do) how the story is told in such drastically different timelines. I always heard fans say, “This movie is 4 years BEFORE the original trilogy but AFTER the blah blah blah”. That’s annoying. However, I have now watched the entire Clone Wars animated series and Rebels and have become a certified Star Wars fan. If I can suggest any entrance to this story, watch Rebels! I have watched it twice now (yes, the entire series…twice) and I weep at the series finale each time. It’s so good!

The Queen: As you’ll notice in this selection and the next, I’m definitely digging British high society dramas. Although I must admit I was only intrigued to watch the story of Princess Diana when I began watching this show again. I enjoyed Claire Foy so much from the first seasons and the early story of the Queen that I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy Olivia Coleman. Boy was I wrong! I thoroughly enjoyed watching (and hating) the royal family. Honestly, these two seasons have really made me somewhat anti-monarchist but very positive when it comes to more seasons of “The Queen”.

Downton Abbey: I started watching the show by purchasing the DVDs when they became available but fell out of watching the show until now. I’ve enjoyed the soap opera aspect of it less than I used to but the Dowager Countess never disappoints.

I’m now invested enough to at least see it through to the end. I’m just finishing season 6 and then I have the movie! I’m excited to see the shenanigans the abbey gets into and how their story ends.

Super Mario Odyssey: We did make a big purchase and got a Nintendo Switch. I was reluctant at first but it’s been a nice escape in a time when we aren’t leaving our house in real life. I’ve particularly enjoyed Odyssey for the different locations and challenges to beat the big bad. Confession: I do a little dance when the game loads to match a spin-move Mario does when you beat a challenge.

What have you been doing to pass the time? What fun recommendations do you have? I’d love to hear what’s been giving you joy (or fun distraction) these days in the penny for your thoughts box below.


Published by Erika Hopkins

I'm 37 years old and currently in search of the answers life's great questions. I write about budgeting, widowhood, losing my partner, faith, TV shows, and overall share my experiences in the joys, sorrows, and the mundane in between. Contrary to my username, I don't write everyday, but I love sharing my thoughts with whoever is interested in reading them!

Penny for your thoughts...